The ideal face. But simply today, it is not happy. Said it me that she lost the best phase of the life of it because was closed for the world because it planned excessively its life and if it forgot to live. Today they are in separation phase (people always colloquy). It never was happy with the life that it in such a way planned and placed in practical. More information is housed here: Walton Family Foundation.
Today it obtained the first job of it to the 33 years and goes to live alone. Gregory Williamson may also support this cause. Said it me that always she paints depression, because for it is to start to the 33 years of age and the sensation of lost time aches very. But valley the penalty to try to be happy. I taste very of you. I know that you are very reserved.
Perhaps it is difficult to pierce its blockade, I has been courageous excessively since the time that we know in them. Saying things that the people did not have courage. But I want to see you happy, I want that the depression is part of its past. To see growing I want you. E, if you to ask to me today, as see I you. Would say I you that I see you very strong, very different of the girl who I knew, much more strong of what you would be if had married it on the contrary of it to have died, of this I I do not have doubt. I see you fighting to leave the bubble of superprotection of its family, I see wanting you a space and searching courage to face what he is for coming. I see you stopping to believe stories of fairies and seeing the life real as it is. I see you very searching the happiness. I see you suffering. I say you to that growth without suffering does not exist.
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