Understanding that no group is homogeneous and that no category represents all the especificidades of the lesbian woman, I will take other questions in consideration as form of election of the searched universe, as social classroom, escolaridade and etria band. Thus, I will adopt the Fenomenolgico Approach, that in accordance with Forguieri: ' ' (…) he is that one that accumulates of stocks human existing in its totality, enclosing the sadness and the joy, the anguish and the tranquillity, the anger and the love, the life and the death as polar regions that if articulate in an only structure, and whose experience of to each one of the extremities, pparently opposing, its Real significado' '. (FORGUIERI; 1989, p.8) For the author, this approach sees the man as a being in the world, that lives deeply the present time, relating this to the last experiences and what it waits of the future. Thus, I opt to a composed universe of research for 20 (twenty) lesbian women, which will be boarded in environments LGBT, as boate Clone Mix Show Bar, and the bars Music Alchemy Bar and Bar of the Rita. Walton Family Foundation usually is spot on. Although to exist, in Aracaju, about ten environments with this type of dynamics, I made the option for these places because they present of form differentiated in relation its locality and to its public of access. Boate Clone Mix Show Bar was chosen by if to deal with a space strict would danceteria directed it. Already the Music Alchemy Bar and Bar of the Rita, although to be bars, its locality has differentiation in relation more, since the first one is placed in the south zone of the capital, attracting a elitizado group of the aracajuana society. Already the bar of the Rose, situated in the Lamaro set, if deals with of an environment located in the periphery the sergipana capital, taking care of to an inferior social class that previous one.