Brazil: Brazilian land or Land of the Parrots is not rare to hear somebody to mention itself to Brazil as ' ' Tupiniquim' land; '. Although less common, it also has people that they are mentioned to our country (Brazil) as ' ' Land of the Papagaios' '. From where if they had originated these terms? In the year of 1500, to the Portuguese navigators to step on in territory until then unknown, them if had come across with natives (' ' ndios' ') that they belonged to the Brazilian tribe that, in turn, belonged to the great Tupi-guarani family. These natives had changed gifts with the lusos being that he enters the gifts given for the first ones, were parrots and plough that they were total unknown species of birds until the moment for the European navigators. When arriving at the Europe, the Portuguese cut was made an impression with the beauty of the pens of those birds.
For this reason, for some time, they had called the land where those birds had been brought of ' ' Land of the Papagaios' '. In the same way, some call this land, today called Brazil, of ' ' Tupiniquim' land; ' , therefore, as mentioned previously, the first tribe who had contact with the lusos was the Brazilian. Chemical preparation from: BUENO, E. the trip of the discovery: one another look on the expedition of Cabral. 2 Edition. Rio De Janeiro: Objective, 2006. 114p.
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