Almost limitless possibilities of span thanks to a modular building Kit from different baking / / cleaning and reproducible clamping forces up to 40 kN in the modern production of workpiece effectiveness is one of the most important keys to success is minimal. Machines to cope with more than just a work step in minimal upgrading courses and processes. Dual high pressure clamping system as the model ‘DUO’ the ALLMATIC-Jakob spannsysteme GmbH are designed exactly for such applications. With the DUO plus 125 companies from Germany in the Allgau presented their success system. The high pressure clamping system combines the advantages of its predecessor with some helpful and practical innovations: DUO plus 125 sets on ALLMATICs proven ‘grip system’. It is both a span of raw parts, as well as already processed workpieces of different geometries possible.
Customers appreciate ALLMATIC a competent service partner and manufacturer of precision clamping systems of the highest quality. International experts include for Workpiece clamping to the most important producers of clamping devices at all today. Machine Vice with centric voltage up to complex clamping solutions for flexible machining centres, it offers an optimal solution for every area of application. When the T-Rex models, TITAN, and CENTRO GRIPP ALLMATIC has used the innovative clamping system. It is a modular system of interchangeable jaws, which guarantee maximum precision when clamping thanks to optimum adaptation to the work piece. Always perfect tense:, Workpieces, especially represent a greater challenge with complex geometries when editing. With conventional clamping JAWS can be difficult fix circular moldings or unmachined workpieces. Is this problem of the past thanks to DUO plus 125.
The diverse range of clamps for the system ranges from step and carrier jaws, to a universal Grippset up to soft essays. Thus the high-pressure q.r. each to be processed flexibly on the nature Customize part. The workpiece is held always tight in the handle, which allows a production at the highest level.
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